So I got the idea from Tibi and I really liked it so I thought I would put it on my blog. There's no way I will be able to think of a 100 things all right now though so I will keep adding to it as I go along.
1. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
2. I've never moved in my entire life.
3. I'm the only person in my family of 8 that has brown hair.
4. My favorite food is grilled cheese and berry smoothies.
5. When I was little I thought the hiccups was a bouncy ball that bounced up and down in your body and every time you hiccuped it had bounced to the top of your head.
6. Ever since I learned how I have LOVED to read. It's one of my favorite pass times.
7. When I graduate I'm going to go to BYU with my bff Mady :).
8. I want 8 kids when I grow up.
9. I can't stand that sound when cardboard rubs together.
10. Sometimes I will go like a week without makeup just to scare people hahaha.
11. I love playing the piano.... sometimes when I have nothing better to do I will play it for hours. 12. I've never gotten a B on a report card.
13. I can't have the heater blowing on my face in the car even if it's freezing, I get too claustrophobic.
14. I love to tease people..... which isn't always a good idea especially if they're not in a good mood.
15. When it comes to food I have absolutely no self control...... I wonder how long I will stay skinny.
16. My favorite show is The Office.
17. I don't have a favorite color.
18. If I had to live in a cave for the rest of my life and could only bring 3 things with me they would be the scriptures, some really good music and a neverending supply of paper and pencils.
19. I can't sleep in cars for some reason.
20. I love to go camping.
21. I'm the biggest tree hugger in the world, hahaha I'm always turning off lights and only using one paper towel instead of like 5.
22. I hate the sound of other people eating their food it really grosses me out.
23. When I have time sometimes I like to just lay in bed and think about all sorts of things.
24. It's my opinion that my house is the most beautiful place on earth.
25. I love to dance and will be on the pirate motion dance team for my 2nd year next year.
26. If you know me well I'm usually pretty blunt and a little too often I speak before I think.
27. I love almost every genre of music.
28. Before I die I want to see Europe.
29. I also want to go skydiving..... I always wonder though if I would really jump out if I had the chance.
30. My first real memory was on my 2nd birthday. It's fuzzy but I remember I was so excited and I was wearing a new dress.
31. I love that feeling after you just had a really long workout.
32. If I could have one thing from my parents right now it would be my own room.
33. I love taking pictures of nature like flowers and sunsets and stuff.
34. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up besides a mom of course.
35. Hahaha I like sneaking up on my little brothers and tickling them and kissing em on the cheek just to embarass them.
36. I love babies they are soooooo cute!
37. I'm more of a cat person than dog really but I still like dogs except when they are all slobbery and smell bad.
38. I love pampering myself.
39. In 7th grade I was homeschooled.
40. I think the scariest thing would have to be if you were stranded in the middle of the ocean with nothing but an innertube just waiting for some shark or something to come eat you (and no I have never watched the movie Jaws for that reason).
41. I always get that "aww" feeling when I see an old couple walking by holding hands.
42. The prophet Thomas S. Monson is my grandma's first cousin.
43. If I could only have one of the 5 senses I think it would be sight.
44. My favorite fruit is oranges.
45. My dad is a bishop in my church.
46. I'm like obsessive about painting my nails.
47. I hate feet.
48. I'm a really big germ freak.
49. I like watching crime investigations shows like CSI and stuff.
50. Since I can't draw worth crap I like to color in coloring books.
51. I like to sing in a high opera voice sometimes just for fun.
52. My favorite chips are those twisted BBQ fritos.
53. I like to sing and dance in the kitchen while I cook when nobody else is home.
54. I used to play the violin.
55. When I'm feeling depressed I like to make cookie dough and eat the whole thing by myself.... it doesn't help lol.
56. My favorite movie is probably Ever After.
57. I like making my own jewelry. I have probably a hundred necklaces and bracelets that I've made.
58. I've never died my hair.
59. My socks never match.
60. My favorite holiday is Christmas.
61. I'm not a really emotional person like I never cry.
62. When I was a baby I was really skinny and had huge eyes so my uncles always called me a mutant.
63. I've never broken a bone.
64. I've never had my own room...... :(
65. When I was little I was on PBS.
66. I won state this year at dance competition.
67. I've always wanted a tree house.
68. My kindergarten teacher was my granny.
69. One time I dug up a dead cat when I was burying a dead baby kitten.
70. I love water skiing and tubing on our boat.
71. When I was 5 I had a syst on my wrist and had to have surgery to remove it.
72. There is something in taking icey cold showers in the dead of winter that I find very exhilarating and I like doing it every now and then.
73. I love laying my head on the dryer and just standing there. It's so warm and rythmic and soothing.
74. It usually takes me an hour to eat an orange.
75. I absolutely love eating spoonfuls of creamy peanut butter dipped in frozen chocolate chips.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Little Besties :)
So I was going through my scrapbook the other day and i found this pic and it was so cute so i scanned it onto my computer. I cant believe that the 3 of us have been best friends since kindergarten!!!
Rachel, Mady and me in kindergarten..... weren't we cute!! hahah :)
And this is us now (still cute i might add)
Some other silly pics of us (...maybe not quite as cute...) hahah
..................... i think these speak for themselves lol
ummm ya not even gonna say anything hahaha
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